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Gastro Life Project

GNekkar Lab's studies aim at modulating mechanisms of gastrointestinal motility and repair mechanisms of mucosal damage. The research of plant-based active ingredients, studied both in the therapeutic effects and in the eventual side effects, associated with each other in compositions or medical devices, aims to innovate the current therapies.

Inflammatory processes of the intestinal mucosa due to: diseases of the immune system, inflammatory diseases of the intestinal mucosa, improper feeding, medication or laxative, are characterized by latent and persistent inflammation of the intestinal mucosa at the ileal level and at the colic level , with an alteration of the integrity of the same and of the intestinal bacterial flora (acute and chronic inflammation of the digestive tract, celiac disease, pathologies from Leaky Gut Syndrom, dysenteric syndrome or gastro-colitis).

The medical device studied by us, acts through an emollient and adsorbing mechanical action on the intestinal mucosa. Besides the mechanical action, the association of the components exerts a local anti-inflammatory action and a digestive and regenerating action on the intestinal mucosa.

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